Monday 30 April 2018

yoga for tension the back pain

Back pain or back pain is a known problem name.There is a great deal of examples of medicines being used in this condition due to lack of spinal fluid.In the life of smartphones and laptops,backpacks have appeared almost inevitable.Lifestyle awareness is important due to long-term loss of back or back pain.The correct posture at the workplace can relieve the back pain.
Waist exercises
If you keep an eye on the road then you will see it or if there is a pet dog in the house then you can see a common exercise but dogs do. He has this exercise twice a day.But always remain neatly This exercise of spine and leg expansion strengthens the waist.This is a great exercise to relieve spinal pain.This yoga seat can be done twice a day.Morning and afternoon.
Sit down and fold in front

The seat is to sit. Very simple.Yoga can be done anywhere at any time.The seat is full of body weight. Increasing the height of the children is a big advantage in this seat.Hammsting injuries are also effective.
Trying to straighten the legs and touch the fingers of the two feet by hand, slowly.The body comes in a little fold.As a result, the spinal cord is beneficial.It is also good to get some time in the morning in the afternoon.
Pyramid protector god of Egypt's pharaoh time puffs It's that stance to find that posture.The upper part of the waist is raised in front of the elbows in front of the ground in front of the elbows lying on the waist.It comes in front of the book.The head is straight in it.The spinal cord gets the most comfort in this yoga.Once in the morning and in the evening, after gaining 10/15 times the results will be fast. But the work should be slow, not fast.The good aspects of these three Yoga are very easy. It can be done regularly with little practice and effort. But the fruit is long-term.This can be done to keep the spine properly. what you say!

Saturday 10 March 2018

Food that will keep your liver healthy

After the skin,the liver is the second largest organ of human body,weighing about 3 pounds.The liver operates various functions such as digestion management,metabolism,immunity and various nutrients in the body.Specially,this body provides the necessary energy and nutrients in the body cells that help to keep human cells alive.It can remove harmful substances from the blood vessels and help in food poisoning.The necessary things to eat in order to keep these important functions of liver and to balance the body.

  • Garlic helps to create liver enzymes that excrete toxins from the body.Besides,garlic contains a large amount of aliens and selenium,which contain two natural ingredients,which help the liver.
  • Catechin,a type of green tea,helps in the overall functioning of anti-oxidant liver.So this green tea is quite useful for eating lever.
  • Grapefruit fruit is directly or juicy,it helps the liver to remove cancerous material and toxin.This fruit contains lots of vitamin C and anti-oxidant which is very useful for liver.
  • Green vegetable is something that protects the consistency of chemical substances and insecticides in our daily diet,which is very useful for the liver.
  • We all know that in this case,citrus fruit is rich in Vitamin C which is very useful for our body.But lemon also helps in eliminating various toxins in the body and digestion.
  • Playing turmeric as a spice helps to keep digestion and peptide cleansing in our body.It also acts as a natural datax of the liver.The rich antioxidant-rich yellow liver protects the health.Some studies have shown that this yellow is very helpful in the elimination of Hepatitis B and C virus

Friday 9 March 2018

The way to reduce the risk of cancer

People of any age can be infected with cancer.However,with the increase in age,this risk increases.It is said that the probability of getting infected with these diseases is 50 years of age or older.However,through a fair and beautiful life,it is easy to reduce the risk of this killer disease easily.So let's know,some of the best ways to reduce the risk of this disease.

  • Regular exercise -Studies have shown that regular exercise plays an effective role in reducing the risk of certain cancers (breast and colon cancer).So do regular exercise.

  • Stay slim excess weight increases the risk of prostate,pancreas,uterus,colon and ovarian cancer.Even gross women have a risk of breast cancer risk.So try to stay slim.
  • Walk - Relaxing activities such as sitting in the long run,lying down,watching the TV increases the risk of various types of cancer.So stay away from these.
  • Avoid Smoking -Tobacco Products Promotes Cancer Risk So it is better to avoid using them.
  • Eat vegetable food-Try to eat healthy food all the time.Emphasis on vegetable food.
  • Avoid the sunny sunshine -the sun can not roam over.Use sunglasses if possible. Because, the ultraviolet rays of the sun cause skin cancer.
  • Avoid alcohol-excessive drinking increases the risk of cancer of the mouth,throat,gastric,and larynx.If you have a lot of drinking then you can drink a glass of two glasses a day.
  • Do not neglect skin scars -check the skin or other scars on the skin,check them out.Because this can cause cancer

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Unknown quality of coconut oil

First choice coconut oil in hair care The quality of coconut oil is not limited to the beauty of skin and hair. Coconut oil is the best in our body to prevent many diseases, which many of us are unknown.

  • There is a misconception between us,coconut oil is not good for heart.Coconut oil contains lots of fat.In fact,coconut oil contains approximately 50 percent laric acid.his acid reduces harmful cholesterol and protects the heart from various diseases including high blood pressure.
  • Coconut oil is quite effective in reducing weight loss and digestion problems. Lauric acid protects against infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. The body fat makes you able to work efficiently.Fatty acids in coconut oil are beneficial for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
  • If your skin and hair are rough,coconut oil can be a good solution to this problem.It is easily mixed with skin and hair. It is also quite useful to make makeup.Regular use of coconut oil on the skin does not only increase the skin's brightness,but also improves black skin stains and wounds.Coconut oil can be applied on skin instead of laughter after bathing.
  • Coconut oil is very useful for hair.If you have light-weight coconut oil on regular hair,you will get back the lost brightness of the hair.And the hair is soft.It eliminates the lack of protein in the hair,which keeps your hair healthy and makes hair attractive Besides,the use of regular coconut oil is long hair.

Six amazing benefits of eating garlic in an empty stomach

There are different theories about empty stomach juice.While playing garlic on empty stomach,as well as removing various diseases,resistance is also done against various diseases.However,those who suffer from allergic reactions or headache problems due to garlic foods,they have to stop eating raw raw garlic.Know the Benefits of Eating Garlic on Empty Stomach-

  • Studies have shown that as a result of the juice of garlic on empty stomach, it works like a strong antibiotic.It works more efficiently after eating garlic before breakfast.The bacteria were exposed to the empty stomach as a result of the juice of garlic,and then they agreed to the garlic power. Then the harmful bacteria of the body can not be saved.
  • Liver and bladder properly perform their functions as a result of empty stomach juice.Also,it eliminates abdominal problems such as diarrhea.It works as a stimulant for digestion and hunger.It is also able to remove stress.Because of stress or pressure we have to wear gastric problems.So,playing garlic on an empty stomach,it helps to overcome these problems by reducing our nervous pressure.
  • Many people who have been exposed to high blood pressure,have found some symptoms of high blood pressure as a result of garlic foods.As a result of garlic foods,they see good changes in the body.
  • Garlic plays an effective role to de-toxifiate the body compared to other medicines.According to experts, garlic prevents major diseases such as parasite,worms release,obesity,fever,diabetes,depression and cancer.
  • Garlic prevents tuberculosis,pneumonia,bronchitis,lung congestion,cough etc. Garlic has created amazement by the cure of these diseases.
  • If you have any problem related totuberculosis,you can eat a complete garlic in a few parts throughout the day and eat it again and again.This will help you to get rid of your tuberculosis

Clove has thousands of benefits

Cloves  is one of the spices used for cooking. It is worth mentioning that the use of cloves in order to increase cooking taste. It is also used to increase the taste of tea.
In addition to these benefits, there are some special qualities of cloves, which are very beneficial in our body. So let us know today about the benefits of cloves -

  • A type of oil bacteria in cloves, prevent viruses. 
  • Lungs and oral cavity help prevent cancer. 
  • Cloves help, increases hunger. 
  • Cloves are very good to remove cough.
  • Cloves are very beneficial to remove the dehydration of the body. It is easy to bring fondness to the body.
  • Helps to remove stomach worms.
  • Clove cloves increase the amount of white blood cells in the blood with candy or honey. 
  • Reduce antibiotic asthma levels.
  • If there is pain in the tooth, it will decrease if you face it.